BestCreative Mom Blogs

Top 25 Artist & Crafty Moms Blogs

25 Best Mom Craft Bloggers & Websites To Follow

Are you a mom who loves all things creative? We’re looking for moms who blog about DIY projects, kid-friendly crafts, scrap-booking and creative ideas that inspire!

Meaningfulmama logo

This is the place to come to find daily activities or crafts, character development ideas and parenting tips. Wanting to become more intentional with my parenting in fun, creative and meaningful ways has inspired what you will find on my blog. I think stocking up a good craft supply bin is very important. You can get a bunch of great stuff at the Dollar Store. Load it up really well, and you won’t need to make multiple trips to the craft supply store every time you want to do a craft. Make sure to save toilet paper tubes, egg cartons and small containers in your craft supply area. There are so many things you can make with re-usable materials. I also like to have an array of colorful stock paper on hand.  I get out all the craft supplies and let them create their own projects. I think there is a time for and benefit in duplicating what they’ve seen. However, there is time to just allow them to create and explore on their own. If you have been a model of creativity, then they will often follow suit. However, don’t despair. My mom would say she wasn’t creative, but she always supported me in my crazy pursuits, so you can aid your kids even if you don’t feel like you have the creative juices flowing through your body.

white house black shutters

Hey! Get a glimpse into our everyday life with three young kids in an old home. Simple living, decorating & DIY for cheap, projects kids can help with, good food, real life struggles, and coloring outside of the lines. My husband Doug and I have have seven kids, ages 11 to 1. I do the writing, photography, and social media work for the blog – he takes my renovation & DIY ideas and helps bring them to life.

Prettify Your Life

My name is Angela. I am a wife and mother and a jazzy crafter! I love paper crafts, scrapbooking, wreath making, party planning, decorating my house for the holidays and every day, making seasonal yard art and many, many other DIY projects. I enjoy teaching people my crafty tips and tricks. I am…

Crystal’s Tiny Treasures

Our adventure though childhood while learning via fun activities, crafts, and cooking. I try to find inspiration in everyday experiences to keep things fresh. My son is great at looking at things and coming up with his own ideas or modifying mine as well to put his own spin on things!  My mom always had a crafty idea up her sleeve when we were kids, and now she also makes crafts with her grandchildren over the webcam! It’s such a wonderful way for them to have fun together when they are an ocean apart.  I keep my eyes open when we are out and about and if I see something interesting I think about how we could do something similar using the items we have in the cupboard.

Gluesticks and Stones

A place where I share my latest projects. Kid’s crafts, Pinterest gone wrong, DIY, recipes, organization, and a little bit of snark thrown in on occasion. I get inspiration from so many places. Much of my inspiration comes from projects I remember my mother doing when she taught Kindergarten, and crafts I remember making as a child. Sometimes, I look at a pin on pinterest and try to figure out how to do “my own take” on it. I have a few favorite blogs that serve as a jumping off place. When I went from being a “working outside the home” mom to being a “stay at home” mom, my son no longer went to daycare or preschool. I wanted to be sure that he would still have the social time with friends, but I also wanted to make sure he would still be doing arts and crafts, and enjoying creative play.

Excited 2 Learn

We provide creative, fun and educational children’s activities and craft ideas for parents and teachers. I create or adapt new kid-friendly crafts by following my little ones’ leads, viewing Pinterest, blogs, and looking back to projects I did when I was a first grade & preschool teacher.  I love open-ended projects! I help my little ones to be creative by placing novel materials in front of them and letting them explore as they wish. I try extremely hard to never say, “This is the right/correct way to use that.” or give a model of what the end result should be. I am also pretty relaxed about letting my little ones get messy – in fact, even clean up can be fun if you make it a game.

A Simple Life

A Mama of 5 children authors this Waldorf inspired blog and invites those who visit into a creative land full of handmade and simple celebration ideas. This blog is full of heart felt ideas to bring a deeper connection to living mindfully with children. There is such a wealth of inspiration all around me. I am fortunate enough to live among really creative beings: my husband and my children. They are the constant spark in my creative fire and their need and desire to create, learn, and try new things has my eyes and ears singularly focused on feeding that energy.  If you were to walk into our home you’d see that every nook and cranny is filled with many different ways for our children to explore their creativity: piles of books to inspire, baskets full of crayons, felts, silks, blocks, pillows for fort building, paper for crafting galore. watercolors, play dough, chalkboards and a rainbow of chalks!

Frontier Dreams

Wife, Waldorf homeschooling Mama, homemaker of the radical kind, girl of all trades & always armed with a camera. Creating (alone &/or with my children) preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. A lot of our inspiration comes from things we see in Waldorf schools (my daughter’s school being the biggest inspiration).We alsolove going to the library and finding ideas in craft books there. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I have noticed that the less we have, the more imagination my children tend to use.

Love in the Suburbs

Waldorf mother of two precious boys, striving to live each day to the fullest with grace, creativity, and patience. I write about living, loving, engaging fully in family life, and making art and lasting memories through rich festivals and love of people. I often find amazing craft ideas on other blogs, but also in craft books and at our children’s Waldorf school. I watch carefully to see what crafts and art materials my children gravitate toward, and then I try to build upon that. The kids often lead the way. Story books can also be very inspiring. I let the seasons and festivals of the year shape our activities.  I try to say yes to my children’s project requests. I’ve said yes to homemade quill pens and India ink, painting on canvas and on clothing, creating leather armor, and carving and wood-burning on wood—activities that most young children don’t get to do. We set aside as much time as we can to work on crafts together, and my children are never far from their sketchbooks, which they draw and write in every day.

Crunchy Frugalista

Crunchy Frugalista is a great site that is always thinking outside of the creative box. You can find amazing upcycled or repurposed crafts, plus tons of craft ideas that are perfect for any occassion. I really find inspiration every where. whether I am in a craft store, hanging out with my kids or on a nature hike, inspiration seems to find me. It’s something my kids enjoy helping me out with as well. All three of my children are homeschooled, and we talk about creativity a lot. We started teaching them young to speak kindly to themselves and embrace their creativity. Turning off your inner critic can really help your creativity flourish. Our kids always have access to tons of paper, art supplies, and time to explore their creativity. They are way more creative than I am, and it’s a really neat process to watch them learn where their passion is.

With A Spin

Crafting is all about having fun. Therefore, it is very important that a child enjoys the craft he/she is creating. I find kid friendly craft inspiration through playful exploration. A recent activity, a book, a holiday, nature and a child’s interest is what prompts me to discover something that turns into a playful exploration and in turn becomes a craft project. Sometimes, if I am trying to teach something, I may associate a craft with it, which helps a child have a lasting memory and makes the learning process fun. Creativity has physical, intellectual, and social dimensions, which considerably vary from age to age. My daughter just turned 18 months. As she is exploring the world around her, I stimulate her five senses by offering varieties as she looks (around her, different books), listens(different types, language of music), touches(soft, hard, rough), smells(flowers) and tastes (savory, sweet, pureed, chunky, spicy) both indoor and outdoor.

Crafting Connections

We believe that everyone can be creative, that crafting doesn’t have to be hard, and that creativity is an essential part of life! We offer practical inspiration and creative support to help make living a creative family life easier! We encourage our children to explore their own creativity by providing them with the tools, space and time to do so. We make sure our days our arranged such that the children have enough free time to pursue their own ideas and projects. We make sure that creative tools – crayons, markers, scissors, glue, paint – are available to them. We also make sure that they have a creative space that is there’s to start projects, leave them in progress, and return to them later.

The Gold Jellybean

A place to inspire DIY parents who have creative kids and an eye for design. I post fun diy projects, interior design tips, recipes, and art projects to enjoy with your kids! I don’t think there is just one particular product that’s essential, I think it’s important to have a collection of craft supplies for your kids. We have a craft cabinet at home, and it’s stocked with everything from glue and crayons to egg cartons, feathers, beads, and glitter. Some days we pull out supplies to make a particular craft, and other days Sydney pulls out her favorites and makes up her own projects. Having the creative tools on hand for your little ones to explore is what’s important. In order to encourage Sydney to explore her own creativity, I have provided her with her own workspace, and all the craft supplies and tools she needs are easily accessible to her. We also do a combination of projects at home. For some I guide my daughter to create something in particular, and for others I let her have full creative freedom. I think it’s important to set an example and teach her, but she also needs to practice decision making and creating on her own.

Uncommon Designs

Trish and Bonnie are sister-in-laws and stay-at-home moms who share a love of sewing, decorating, entertaining, and all things crafty. At Uncommon Designs, you will find a variety of handmade home decor inspiration and fabulous step by step craft tutorials. The inspiration of new kid-friendly crafts can be from almost anywhere! You can find cute ideas on Pinterest, Family Fun Magazine, blogs, websites, even cereal boxes! I think that every mom needs a hot glue gun, for sure! Hot glue is perfect for all crafts that you will be working on with your children. Let your kiddos do the creating and you glue in place! No more waiting for glue to dry on last minute projects, either!

Holy Craft

Holy Craft is a creative blog written by a stay at home mom of three with tips and tricks on how to live well on less and provides inspiration for creating things that you love on a budget. I always have supplies on hand for crafting. If the kids see me making something, they are often times inspired to make something similar {and sometimes very different} as well. I keep scrap fabric for the kids to sew with, glue on and paint, I have drawers of paper scraps and lots of glue and paint. There are very few crafting materials and supplies that are off limits to them.

JDaniel4’s Mom

Growing by Learning, Laughing, Listening and Learning. Exploring Foods, Crafts, Books, Learning Concepts and the World Around Us. I find wonderful kid friendly crafts on the Kid Bloggers Network board on Pinterest ( and link ups like the Read. Explore. Learn. on my blog. I think a big box of crayons is wonderful tool to give to your children. They can use them to color, trace and create in so many ways with them. I try to plan open ended activity that can be played over and over again in various ways. My son tends to come up with the best ways to explore them.

Happiness is Homemade

With a house full of boys, you can always count on Heidi at Happiness is Homemade for all sorts of fun (and occasionally messy!) activities for the family including home decor, recipes, homeschool ideas, and crafts for all ages! Younger kids love to touch and feel different materials, so I always recommend creating a collage kit full of a variety of materials that your children can use to create an assortment of crafts. Glue, googly eyes, pom poms, sequins, chenille stems (“pipe cleaners”), bits of paper and tissue paper can keep children entertained for hours! My boys’ favorite craft supply is colored masking tape in a rainbow of colors. They use it for everything!  For older children I highly recommend investing in a set of high quality colored pencils (such as Prismacolor). They last far longer than inexpensive sets, and the colors are much richer and smoother. Providing your child with the best artistic tools will help encourage their love of art and foster a respect for the materials. The very best way to encourage my children to explore their creativity is to make it accessible to them at all times. My boys have their own work area located next to a cabinet that is stocked full of their very own art supplies and craft materials. The only rules are that they have to clean up whatever mess they make, and they can’t use any dangerous supplies (such as scissors or sharp pencils) when their baby brother is around.

Balancing Home

I am SAHM of 4. I have become an expert on crafting and creating a home & a meaningful life with very little money and a whole lot of creativity & work. You’ll find printables, kid’s crafts, mom musings and life as I know it on BH For the most part I just make supplies and time to be creative accessible. I try not to obsess about the mess. I encourage the kiddos to do their thing and I try not to control the final product. Even when we go to story time and their is a craft with an example final product, I let my kids do their thing. I see a lot of other mom’s moving eyes, and making sure it looks just like the sample. I don’t believe that the end product is important, I believe it is the child’s experience that is important. A lot of my kids related projects can be found in my project gallery (

imagine gnats

i’m rachael, the all-around crafty lady behind imagine gnats. i have an incredible (and perhaps at times, compulsive) desire to express myself. follow me along the crafty journey and feel free to send directions every now and then. i feel so lucky to have the resources, ideas, tips, and inspiration of (what seems like) the whole world at my fingertips via the internet! i follow lots of crafty blogs, and pinterest is always good for some new ideas. i think that asking lots of open-ended questions and providing age-appropriate crafting materials are the most important things. my girls are most open to creativity when they have a range to work within, but are allowed to explore that specific idea or medium without preconceptions.

Austin City Little

I’m Cody, a working mama living in Austin, Texas with my sweet husband, daughter and hound dog. On my blog, I share my musings about life, parenting, creative entertaining, DIY projects, shopping and more. Mod Podge. It can be used for pretty much any project, and has a way of making things extra awesome in a snap. One of my favorite uses for this handy stuff is as a collage sealer. My go-to project: take some pretty paper or newspaper clippings and use Mod Podge to glue and seal them to a plain wooden picture frame. It’s a quick and easy way to dress up and personalize your family photos. My daughter is barely 1-year-old, so at this point in her development I’m all about introducing her to new things to try. Whether it’s using finger paint, playing in the dirt, or having a tea party, we’ve been working together to explore her budding imagination. I can’t wait to watch her creativity continue to take shape!

One Artsy Mama

A place to find and share inspiration for kids’ crafts, “big girl crafts,” home decor, jewelry, family activities, holiday fun, and so much more. I try to introduce “Little Crafter” to all types of crafting experiences. He has tried painting, watercolors, beading, decoupage, sewing, stamping, working with foam and vinyl adhesives, and all kinds of other projects. Because I started him with paints at age 2, he’s grown up with art as a part of his life and he gets really excited about it. When we see a project he likes, I teach him how to do it and how to properly work with the necessary supplies. He prefers some things over others; for example he hates coloring but loves painting, and I let him follow those preferences. He loves working with glitter! I trust him to use some of my supplies, like my beads and my washi tape, and he is very careful and responsible with them because he knows I’m entrusting him with something important. Because of that, he’s been able to make some really great things; for example, he designed and beaded two pairs of earrings I was able to sell. I gave him the money for them, and he felt like it was a million dollars!

Made with Moxie

I’m an arts & crafty woman; a maker. A Jill of All Trades. Bright colors and bold patterns make my heart sing. My mother taught me to dare to be different. I put Moxie into every thing I Make.

Learn with Play at home

Learn with Play at Home

Mum of 2 and teacher-on-leave, Debs, shares fun, creative and hands-on activities, ideas and more. With handy tips for parents and educators on how to simplify, extend and get the most learning out of each activity. Perhaps one of the easiest ways for parents to provide something both educational and useful for their child would be to involve them in the cooking process. Kids in the kitchen learn SO much. From maths and scientific concepts to language, fine motor skills and building healthy relationships and understanding about food. You can’t go wrong finding a good, simple recipe and starting there. Also, the earlier you involve them, the better! 🙂

More Than Your Average Mom

Sarah is the busy full time working wife, and mom to two behind More Than Your Average Mom. Her blog chronicles her heavily caffeinated (mis)adventures in mommyhood, creative bento making, culinary capers, DIY crafts, reviews and more!

birdie blue

A happy, colorful, creative blog detailing life’s simple pleasures. Combined with lots of vintage finds, sweet glimpses of life with four daughters, and many projects including a ‘built-from-scratch’ cottage playhouse. my daily missive from martha stewart’s craft department, the magazine ‘mollie makes’, books of all sorts, or even something as simple as a walk through the woods, all spark creativity.


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