Wellness Health Moms Blogs

Top 25 Health & Wellness Moms Blogs

25 Best Healthy Mom Bloggers & Websites To Follow

Health and wellness is a hot topic on Mom blogs. Everyone seems to be looking for the next big thing, from trendy new diets to trendy new yoga classes. But you don’t need a fancy gym membership or a personal chef to be healthy; sometimes the answer is as simple as a mouse click.

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, wellness blogs are a great way to stay informed and inspired. From nutrition and fitness to spiritual and mental health, these websites are packed with resources to help you feel better. These moms are well-equipped to take your healthy lifestyle to the next level, thanks to this list of wellness blogs. You might also think about how, as a community health professional, you can broaden your reach and promote these initiatives on a larger scale.

Are you a mom who blogs about health and wellness? We’re looking for mom bloggers who are passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle while raising a family.

Claire Smith


I’m a SAHM whose passion is encouraging women from the inside out! I believe that your faith and physical life have many parallels and my hope is to encourage others along the way! Find “fitspiration”, tips, exercises, recipes and much more at Peak313! I believe that role modeling positive behaviors and disciplines speak volumes over saying anything with my words. I want my children, husband, and others around me, to live a healthy life. If I am not doing that personally, how could I expect them to? There’s no doubt that being physically active and healthy makes me a better mom, wife, and friend! I have more energy, my mental state is much more stable :), and I’m much more in tune and sharp to the things happening around me! Finally, I believe that God has asked each of us to steward our bodies in a manner that would bring honor to Him. So no matter my situation or season of life I’m in, I will give 100% and my physical health is included in that.

live free

Fitness Training for Life and Adventure


Melony is a writer and mom who promotes intentional health and wellness through good healthy choices, original recipes, by keeping fit so that no matter what adventures life brings, we’re ready and able to tackle anything. Faith, Family & Fitness matter! To maintain the energy needed to keep up with a busy modern family you need to stay in shape. No matter whether you are a new mom or a grandmother, staying healthy and active is key to enjoying time with your family. Exercise is not only a wonderful stress reliever, but it sets an example for the next generation who find themselves too attached to their electronic devices to be active. It is important to me to be a good example to my children. We are bombarded with so much that could compromise our health both in the grocery store and in the environment and so staying active and making healthy choices as a mom, is not only my responsibility for myself, but my responsibility to pass on to my family.

Maria Kang


Since 2005, readers has followed Maria as she graduated college, moved from a big city, changed jobs, started a fitness nonprofit, got married and gave birth to 3 boys in 2009, 2010 and 2011! She is an open book and inspiration for fit moms everywhere. Growing up and being able to be a fit mom and future grandmother means a lot to me. My mother is obese and was often sick when I was young. She never participated in a lot of activities and definitely can’t now with her grandchildren. I intimately know how it feels like to be disappointed, frustrated, resentful, annoyed and angry because of a loved one’s health.  Set small, short-term, achievable goals. Sometimes losing 30 pounds can be overwhelming, but if you just focus on losing 8 pounds a month and 2 pounds a week – then it becomes relevant to the foods you consume and exercise you perform today!

Mind, Body, and Goal


My blog is about “Healthful Living”. You will find a little bit of everything… From my love of cooking (and eating!), to my new found passion for running, finding fun ways to stay fit, being a mom and being committed to a healthy lifestyle! One meal. One mile. One day at a time. Physical activity needs to be a daily habit. As a mom, you just have to find the time. Scheduling a trip to the gym, or a morning run is not always going to possible. Have a plan and have a back-up plan. There is no set rules, just find the time, or make the time. Wake up early, take the kids on a walk or run with you, utilize the daycare at your gym. Be flexible, so that you aren’t discouraged when your ‘plan’ didn’t work out. There are some awesome workout DVD’s on the market that have 10 minute workouts. Fit in 3 of those SOMEWHERE throughout the day. You just have to make time for you.

Shut Up and Run


A humorous, candid and irreverent look into the world of running, racing and parenting in the great and outdoorsy state of Colorado. Hold on tight – you never know what you’re going to get when you click on the Shut Up and Run link! Staying healthy and fit during the holidays is only hard if you make it hard. Too many people think that the holidays give them the perfect excuse to eat poorly and skip workouts. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Stay on track with your fitness. Plan out a workout or training schedule that takes you from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day and stick to it. Don’t deprive yourself. This is the time of the year to ENJOY those heavenly foods like pumpkin pie and stuffing. But, control yourself. Just because the stuffing is in front of you doesn’t mean you have to stuff your face with it or finish every morsel on your plate. The bottom line is, no one would question of you stopped exercsing and stopped eating healthily during the holidays. It’s almost expected. If you want to stay on track, YOU have to make it happen. YOU have to hold yourself accountable. It starts with YOU. No excuses. Take control.

Lisa Runs for Cupcakes


Lisa Runs for Cupcakes chronicles my adventures in running and living an active lifestyle and serves as a way to hold myself accountable to my fitness goals. I hope that my readers and followers will find the motivation they need to meet their goals too. I love hiking or walking with my daughter on local trails or state parks. She enjoys the time exploring outside. Every summer, we try to head to Maine for some extra outdoor adventures. We love to walk along the beach, collect shells and rocks, and kayak to small islands nearby. Right now we are also very fortunate to live close to Washington, DC. There is so much to see on foot in the city, without any costs!  I find that I am the one with the issues heading outdoors when it is cold, not my daughter. As long as she is bundled up, she is usually more than willing to head outside to play. It always helps to have a little hot chocolate waiting when you get back inside too. I really love Maine for an outdoor family vacation. Picking blueberries, hiking, kayaking, and just plain old exploring are some of the things that my family enjoys while visiting ME.

Lisa Runs for Cupcakes

Mommy, Run Fast!


I’m a social worker turned stay-at-home mom, and now part time spin instructor and training to be a health coach. I am passionate about a healthy lifestyle and a (mostly) whole foods diet, and share training tips, recipes, and host a menu planning linkup. If you make your health a priority, you will find ways to incorporate physical activity each week. Find an activity that you really enjoy, and then schedule it into your week. You could utilize the gym child care to catch a favorite group class, or take your child with you for a walk or run in the jogging stroller. Walk to the playground and play with your kids, adding squats, calf raises and lunges or swing from the monkey bars.  Once you get into the habit of exercise, the benefits will keep you coming back for more. You’ll feel more energized, stronger, more balanced, and will have the satisfaction of doing something for yourself that feels good.  Finally, set realistic goals for yourself and write them down. Have time tables, such as a 5k at the end of the month, or adding one extra day of strength training a week.

Cragmama – For Adventures Big and Small


Starting a family doesn’t mean an end to outdoor adventure! My goal is to be a resource and inspiration for moms and moms-to- be to continue in an active lifestyle – climbing, biking, hiking, or even just logging more outdoor hours in the backyard. We are a rock climbing family, so our favorite thing to do is head to the mountains and hike/climb/explore together! Our family’s favorite weekend destination is the New River Gorge in West Virginia. It has world class climbing, but for the non-climbers it also offers great hiking, biking, rafting and camping opportunities.

Chubby Chicks Run Too


Tales of an out of shape runner getting back into the sport while balancing work and family. This blog is the next best thing to having my own reality show. I am motivated to stay active because of the guaranteed “ME” time. I know the time that I spend running or doing yoga is time to be myself….I am not a mom, wife, or employee….I am me and it is my time to recharge. Be selfish and schedule time to take care of yourself and do it without guilt.  Take advantage of small pockets of available time. Life only gets busier with kids so you have to seize the free moments even if it is just a few minutes. Get up a little earlier and do a 20 minute DVD, find a buddy and walk on your lunch hour, run while the kids are practicing their sports, or simply run around the backyard with your kids. Making time for physical activity does not mean putting hours in a at the gym, it is sneaking it in when you can.

Moms Little Running Buddy


Mom of one and one on the way, helps you understand how she fits health and fitness into a life full of work, school & family. Katie shares tips on how to train while balancing life’s demands. I think what motivates me to stay active is knowing that being the best mom I can be requires me to be satisfied with the person that I am. For me, staying active is as much a part me as being a mom. I know that in order to be the satisfied, I have to stay fit. To me getting healthy is about changing your lifestyle so it’s important to start with changes you know you can make easily. For example, switch out the soda for water or non-sweetened tea. One of my rules has always been, if you think you’re hungry have a glass of water and a piece of fruit or vegetable. If you’re still hungry 10 minutes later, find a protein source like almonds or peanut butter.

Vegan Mom, Healthy & Strong


My blog talks about my extreme weight loss by switching to a vegan diet. I share humorous stories about my transition to a healthy lifestyle, recipes, and tips on improving your workout regimen. My goal is to reach women who were just like me! Physical activity can be cumulative – which means doing a little through out the day allows you to get your time in. Start by carving out 15 minutes for YOU! Then, once you get used to doing that, carve out another 15 minutes at a different time during the day. Use that time to walk briskly, do a quick exercise routine, skip (yes, skipping burns a TON of calories), or whatever you want. Make sure you do something that is fun and will rejuvenate you. You will look forward to those 15 minutes every day!

Slow is the New Fast


Wife & mother of 5 kids, I share my ups & downs of being a relatively new runner & how I lost weight by running. I’m embracing the fact that I’m not the fastest runner out there. I believe it doesn’t matter how fast you golas long as you’re moving forward. If you have small children, try to get your exercise in while they are napping or after they’ve gone to bed at night. Also, try taking them with you! If you have a stroller, strap them in and take them for a brisk walk around your neighborhood or your local walking trail. Sometimes breaking your routine up into smaller workouts make it easier. Fifteen minutes in the morning and 15 in the evening will get you 30 minutes in for the day. If you have older children, invite them to exercise with you or go outside and play tag. They’ll love it and I bet you’ll get in plenty of cardio! On the weekends, make it a family affair and find something active for everyone to get involved in.

Running, Loving, Living


A motivational blog about balancing running, fitness and healthy living while raising two girls, being a wife, taking care of a household and working full time as a homecare nurse. #FitFluential, #Sweatpink & Cheribundi Ambassador. Schedule your workouts like appointments. Make a deal with yourself to do the workout for at least 5 minutes and then you can stop if you don’t feel like finishing the workout. I guarantee once you change and start your workout you will finish it. Remember it takes 21 days to form a habit!! You will feel so great after those 21 days you will wonder why you hadn’t been working out all along. Fit in exercise whenever you can, even if it for only 10 minute spurts while your kids nap or are occupied. Bursts of exercise are better than no exercise. My family motivates me. I want to be around a long time so I can see my children grow up and have their own children. They are my motivation to stay active.

Bendiful Blog


A 30 year old married mother of two blogging about life, parenting and healthy-living. Sharing with you a little inspiration and creativity along the way. Live your life on purpose. Plan it just like you would your children’s soccer practice. Put in on the calendar and don’t be afraid to get creative. 30 minutes a day can easily be broken up into 3 ten minute sessions. Also you can try changing up your routine. Get up 30 minutes earlier for one reason and one reason only… FOR YOU!  Make it fun! Find that something YOU enjoy. I’m not a Zumba girl but I love weights. Most of the time a small change can have BIG results. Even just taking a walk on your lunch break can give you a burst of confidence you need to make other healthy choices.




Blussh stands for & believes in bold, loved, unashamed, strong, secure & healthy women. It is a place for women to be inspired to be their best with a vision to help prevent self-image problems (especially in our young girls) and promote wellbeing! I remind myself that exercise is stimulating, gives you more energy and helps relieve stress (very important as a mum). I also remind myself that my little girl is watching every move I make, and it is of the utmost importance that I set a good example of a healthy and balanced lifestyle for her. Finally, it feels so good being fit and eating food that serves my body well! Life is what you make it. Don’t search for the latest diet or magical formula to get thin… just choose to live a healthy life-style. I am a firm believer in the old-fashioned way, eat your veggies and do some exercise. Again, get rid of those feelings of guilt and remain positive – this will help empower you to make the right choices!

The Soulicious Life


A vegetarian for over 18 years, Kim, a.k.a. SoulMomma, believes in the power of real food, an active lifestyle, and eco-friendly practices. Nourish your own body and soul with her veggie recipes, simple green tips, fresh air follies. If you are attached, swap exercise nights with your partner during the week. For instance, Tuesday night is my night for yoga class; Thursday is my husband’s night to go to the gym. On the weekends, make exercise a family affair with a family hike or bike ride. If you work, take advantage of your lunch hour to workout a few times per week. If you are a stay-at-home mom, don’t underestimate the impact of a daily power walk with the stroller. Heading to the playground? Do squats, lunges and push-ups while your kid(s) run around. Find what you love, mix it up and break a sweat. You’d be surprised at where you can squeeze in 30 plus minutes of physical exercise per day.

Run, Mommy, Run


Just a mommy of two with a passion for running, health and fitness! I love sharing that passion with others as well as tips, advice, challenges and a little bit of humor. Schedule it in and make it fun! Most busy moms don’t have the free time to workout, they make the time. Just like any other activity, you need to make sure that you allow time for physical activity. By viewing workouts along the same lines as you view taking the kiddos to school, cooking meals, going to work, things you do because you have to do them, you’ll be more likely to actually do it. Having a plan is one of the best ways to ensure that you get the time you need. Share your plans with family and friends to help with accountability. Never feel bad about taking that time either. Moms need time to stay active just like everyone else! A fit, healthy mom is a happy one…and as we all know, a happy mom makes a happy family. And always make your workouts fun. If you look forward to going on your run or going to class at the gym you’ll find it’s easier to make time to go.

Mad Dog Mom


Freelance writer, mother of three, and author of new book, The Down & Dirty Guide to Camping with Kids, Helen Olsson blogs at Mad Dog Mom about outdoor adventures with kids (camp, ski, hike, bike, live). Readers call it laugh-out-loud funny. Camping! For the price of one night at a fancy hotel, you can spend a week in the woods with your kids and have a blast. Kids get immersed in nature, parents get a break from loads of laundry and piles of paper, and the whole family can bond over s’mores and campfires. It is the best. For more tips on camping with kids, check out my book, The Down & Dirty Guide to camping with Kids, which you can find at www.maddogmom.com

I’m A Sleeper Baker


I’m a Wife and Working Mom of two, a marathon runner and newbie triathlete who enjoys healthy foods, but will indulge when the mood strikes. I’m all about balance, as I try to figure it all out. If I’m not healthy, I cannot take care of my family properly. That means making sure I get enough sleep, and making good food choices. I have to remember that I am a role model for my children, they will learn by my good example.  Pick one thing at a time, a complete lifestyle change all at once will just set you up for failure. Start by replacing unhealthy snacks with fruits or veggies. Once you have that down, focus on exercise. Pick something you enjoy, otherwise you’ll dread it. As the small changes add up, the big picture gets better! You need to schedule the time to do it! Either early in the morning while the kids are asleep, during naptime, or bring the kids along! Get out the stroller, get out the bikes, just go!

Marathon Mom


Marathon running mom balancing a healthy life: full-time college faculty, run coach, runner and mom to a busy toddler. Working to provide my family healthy meals through kitchen experiments. I feel great staying active. I am lucky the have a supportive husband allowing me time to workout but always make it a priority in the day. I know this is my time to focus on me and not worry about what is needing to be done at home. For me running makes me a better mom and wife. It is my time to reenergize. Racing helps me burn off stress and shows my daughter how strong we can be as women and moms. Start with small changes and start simple. Substitute healthier food options, add in activity you enjoy and accept that you may slip from the healthy options. Be excited about the healthy lifestyle and involve everyone. Let the kids help make the healthy meals, pick foods, etc. Remember every change we make as moms gives or kids better examples of health. We can be role models for healthy behavior and raise healthier children.

Fit Mom…in Training


Mom of 2 boys, mid-pack runner, wannabe triathlete, reeker of awesomeness. #Fitfluential & #SweatPink Ambassador. Named FitBlogger to watch in 2012. I talk fitness, food, family and how to fit it all in without losing your mind. Don’t wait for the opportunity to present itself to you. Take control of your workout time the way you take control of your fighting children. Book that time, and prioritize it as something that needs to be done, not something that you’ll do if you have time (let’s face it…there’s never enough time). Be resourceful and don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. Remember that you deserve this time and taking care of you will help you be a better, more patient parent to your kids.

Organic Runner Mom


Organic Runner Mom is the story of my adventures as a mom, a runner, and the wife of an organic egg farmer in Northern NH. I share racing adventures stories, training tips, recipes and anecdotes about my kids and life on the farm. I hope to inspire! It is easy to make excuses about fitting a workout into your schedule when you don’t have a goal for yourself. When I am having a difficult time staying motivated I choose a race or choose a mileage goal for running for my week. Once you have a goal established it becomes a lot easier to get into a routine. Once you get started you will start to feel more energized and will reap the positive physical and emotional rewards of being active.

Family Fitness Food


As a parent trying to raise healthy kids, I realized I needed to be healthy myself so I made a lifestyle change to be active and fit. Now I share the ups and downs of the journey and hope to inspire others. Fitfluential Ambassador. Don’t worry if you don’t have time for a 1 hour workout. Try to get in small bits of exercise during your day. 10 minutes, 3 times a day is all you need. Try alternating jumping jacks with high knees or go outside and jump rope with your kids. Start small.

Livin The Fit Life


I am a stay at home mom of 2 energetic boys. I am passionate about living an active and healthy lifestyle and instilling this passion in my children. My goal is to help others get fit and stay fit for life. I hope you will follow me on my journey! Being a busy mom, it’s sometimes hard to fit in a workout in an already jam packed day. Sometimes the workout is the first thing that gets left behind. Unfortunately, your workout is one of the things that should be highest on your list. Working out helps you be the best you can be. Nothing is better than a healthy, happy mom. If you don’t take care of your health, you won’t be there to play and be active for your kids. Isn’t that what we want for our children? To be healthy and active adults. We need to be their example. So, go out and get your sweat on and let the dishes sit in the sink for another hour. Don’t worry, they will be there when you get back:)

Mom Swim Bike Run


Follow a busy mom of three as she trains to stay sane. My biggest piece of advice is to find something you LOVE to do. Don’t settle for running if you hate it. Don’t go to spin if it makes you unhappy. Try ALL kinds of activities and don’t stop trying until you find something you love. If you love it, you’ll make time for it.

Mom Swim Bike Run

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