6 Ways to Lose Your Readers

It’s the hectic holiday season and while there are a ton of things to plan, gifts to buy, events to attend and meals to cook don’t let this next month overwhelm you to the point you lose readers. This is the precise time to dig into your blogging and allow this season to be a springboard to 2021.

If you’re doing the following six things, you’ll probably lose a reader here or there over the holidays, or goodness forbid, a slew of them.

1. Stop Writing

This is a given, but oh so easy to do. When you’re in the throes of the holidays it is tempting to neglect your blog. Nothing drives readers away faster than not updating your blog. I always maintain that if all else fails in your online world you’ll always have your blog. Don’t take it for granted and assume that you’re so great your readers will return when you’ve abandoned your blog for a spell. It just doesn’t happen that way. If you’re serious about your blog, treat it like your job and don’t fade away this holiday season.

2. Going Too Commercial

If you are personal blogger who doesn’t work with many brands and then all of a sudden you start running a lot of giveaways and writing sponsored posts your readership will resent you. There is great value in striking a balance between paid and editorial work. Even though it’s the holidays and opportunities to work with brands are rife don’t go overboard if your readers aren’t used to branded conversations on your blog. Dip your toes in the brand stream. Don’t belly flop in.

3. Flipping the Script

If your readers are used to you espousing the virtues about indie companies, for example, and you start writing about all the money you’re going to save at big box retailers you’ll definitely lose readers. Have convictions and stick to them.

It is easy to justify a post even though it doesn’t fall in line with your core principles. Stay true to yourself and your readers in the face of opportunities no matter how big or lucrative.

4. Publishing Too Many Guest Posts

Yes, it’s the holidays and you have a ton of things to do, but don’t hand over your voice to a slew of guest contributors. A guest writer here and there this season is fine, but remember your readers come to your blog to read you, not them!

5. Repeating Old Content

As with guest posts, rekindling old posts is not an effective way to keep the attention of your readers stoked. How sad, right? I know I have some gems sitting in my archives I would love to dig up and re-post, but I won’t. It makes things harder, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Blogging is a hard job. Coming up with new content is not easy! Sometimes I will pop out of bed in the morning with a post idea in my head. That happened this morning. Always think about the next post and the next opportunity to share in a more creative way. You can do this!

6. Getting Boring

Bring as much flair to your blog this season as you do the rest of the year. In fact, this is the time to get most creative.

One thing readers love is getting a glimpse into the lives of others. It’s intriguing and fun to follow along. Take your readers along with you this holiday. Blogging is all about storytelling. Set goals and tell compelling stories. Your readers will appreciate you for your efforts.

Remember your readers are just as busy as you are. Respect them this holiday with great writing and they will be with you for the long haul.

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